Thanks for stopping by Twenty-six Keys. Today’s blog is
doing double duty with both the 2016 A to Z Blogging Challenge and the Insecure
Writer’s Support Group.
Poe’s Raven was a miserable creature and the greatest
nay-sayer of all time. The wretched bird knew but one word - “nevermore!”
What a serious downer.

Evermore is faithful and being a writer means being faithful
to your craft. There’s no halfway measure to being a happy writer. As the
writer’s knowledge and abilities increase, they’re evermore willing to put in
the time. And little by little writing will overtake the writer’s life. This is really not a bad thing. It's helpful to be immersed in the creation of the story.
So, yes, I have a new watchword. Quotes this old writer, “evermore.”
I like the word evermore! Definitely more positive than nevermore!