Friday, March 11, 2016

Evolution sounds better than change

There are few things as constant as change. Each and every one of us experiencing change on a daily basis. Some changes we may not like but we learn to accept them. Others are immediately and fully embraced. But most of the time we're somewhere in the middle. We find ways to get along with change.

The publishing business is vastly different from when I began my journey in 2003. Digital publishing was just taking off and it was a force to be reckoned with. Small publishing houses sprang up overnight, and many vanished just as quickly. The future looked promising.

Then came change. I don't think anyone saw the magnitude of what was happening - at first. In retrospect, it's pretty clear that the people fighting digital publishing might have been on to something, although the collapse didn't happen for the reasons they feared. Or did it? Success on an individual basis has always been feared. 

Electronic publishing is here to stay - at least for a while longer. The indie author isn't going anywhere, either. But we still have to face change. We need to continually evolve. 

Today marks the end of an era for Rayne Forrest. The flooded market and piracy have taken their toll. My .com has been removed. It was my choice to give up the expense and move on to other venues. Yes, that would be free venues. Google has made it easy to find anything. Type in Rayne Forrest and you'll still find me. Rayne Forrest is also now piggy-backed on another author's website. It's a change. It's not good. It's not bad. It's an evolution. 

But does it feel a bit like defeat to give up the .com? Yes, and I'll get over it. 

Things have changed. 


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Slade Martin is under attack. An electronic thief absconded with all 
his liquid personal wealth and someone on his board of directors is plotting a hostile takeover. The obvious culprit isn’t the guilty party, and Slade gets help to find the real perpetrator from a surprise source – the lovely and capable Iris D’Vance.   

Iris D’Vance is determined not to repeat her mistakes with 
men – until she meets Slade Martin, and decides all bets are off. Accepting the invitation to sit on the board of Slade’s charitable foundation lands her in the middle corporate intrigue. Slade needs her help and makes her an offer she can’t turn down.

Slade and Iris join forces to unravel the plot to ruin Slade and 
discover their interest in each other runs deeper than sharing 
altruistic works. When the person behind Slade’s woes is found, it’s Iris who’s in danger. Slade has to act fast to bring her home safe and make good on his money back guarantee.


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