Here are seven sexy paragraphs from The Curiosity Shoppe.

“We are not
married. Marriage can be dissolved. The bonding cannot. I am yours, Zebadiah.
It remains to be seen if you will become mine.” She pressed her bottom down
into his lap again. His eyes crossed.
She jerked
upright, her spine straight. She blinked wide green eyes at him. “Have I
misunderstood that …” she looked at the pronounced bulge he sported, “that
is an indication of desire to mate in a human male?”
“Oh, jeez.” What
had he gotten himself into? He tapped her nose lightly with his index finger.
“Now listen, wife.”
She treated him to
that wide-eyed blink again.
“I’m going to try
to survive kissing you again. No talking. No sending me subliminal messages. No
reading my mind. No hands on my crotch. Got it?”
She blinked
several times. Then she smiled.
Not a welcoming, friendly, pleased, happy smile - oh
no. Not a smile of compliance - not her. She smiled like the cat who just ate
the canary in the old nursery rhyme his gran had told him. “I understand,
Zebadiah. You must lead.”THE CURIOSITY SHOPPE
Available now at All Romance eBooks
More about The Curiosity Shoppe:
Cajun Zebadiah LaCroy is a long way from home. Infected with
a bad case of wanderlust, Zeb’s been working on an intergalactic merchant ship.
He’s seen all manner of strange worlds and stranger beings. When his ship docks
at Station Janus, Zeb searches for a gift for his sister back home and finds
more than he bargained for. Come and see, a female voice calls
telepathically to him. Never one to be able to deny his innate curiosity, Zeb
can’t resist. He’s caught in her spell.
Rayne Forrest
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Intriguing snippet!